30 april 2014

EU-kommisjonen: Motorolas håndheving av patent på essensielle standarder for smarttelefoner innebærer misbruk av dominerende stilling

EU-kommisjonen melder i en pressemelding at det er truffet vedtak om Motorolas håndheving av et patent som vedrører essensielle standarder for smarttelefoner overfor Apple ved en tysk domstol, innebærer misbruk av dominerende stilling:
"The European Commission today adopted a decision which finds that Motorola Mobility's (Motorola) seeking and enforcement of an injunction against Apple before a German court on the basis of a smartphone standard essential patent (SEP) constitutes an abuse of a dominant position prohibited by EU antitrust rules in view of the particular circumstances in which the injunction was used ... The Commission has ordered Motorola to eliminate the negative effects resulting from it. The Commission has also taken a commitment decision in a separate investigation concerning Samsung"

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